
The word "Strategy" is a buzzword

        Strategy the most abused word, it is a buzzword. Nowadays strategy is a miracle, solution, and panacea of almost everything. It is a popular buzzword used by everybody who wants to sound smart. Governments, armies, corporations, firms, and even individuals have strategies to reach their objectives or solve problems. For some reason, one feels smart, powerful and important when he uses this word in speech or writing. We need to come up with a strategy to solve this problem, our company’s strategy for the next year is; my strategy for winning this weekend… Whenever I come across this word, I feel mental sickness and appeal to this word; hence I try to use this word very carefully. And every time when I use it, I feel I am deceiving myself with this word as I am not reaching any goal I am setting for myself.
        Why? Why this is the case? Why I cannot reach my goals? Why this so-called “strategy” is not working? What part of “strategy formulation” process I am doing wrong? Do you ask such questions to yourself? I do. Whatever I am or you are trying to realize, our “strategies” we are failing because of some reason we do not know. We even do not comprehend what went wrong with our “strategies” and cannot find out reasons for our failures. Most of “strategies” fail at their initial process due to a wrong understanding of “strategy” formulation process. Other “strategies” fail at the realization stage due to one fact (single point of failure) that was missed during the planning process . The rest of “strategies” even do not get launched because of completely illusory perceptions of the situation and wrong understanding of the process. 
        The word “strategy” originated from the Greek language and stands for command of a leader or commander. It used to be the title of high ranking military commanders during various wars and conflicts. Strategy is associated with brilliant victories, smart moves in conflicts and sleek plans of doing amazing things. That’s why people like to call what they are doing a “strategy” Notwithstanding past failures at realizing our “strategies” every time when we decide to reach some goal, we come up with strategy. Deep inside we doubt our plans but still call it strategy. In this blog, I want to study “strategy” and share with you my discoveries. During this quest for knowledge, I will be using various sources like books, movies, and folklore that help me to learn about this process and share with you, readers of this blog.