
Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts

049 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Brian Johnson

Shackleton announcement
At starting business, the first target is not your entire market
braintree app
API - application programming interface
Derek Sivers letter to customers
Growth hacks
Pebble in shoe 
Own the problem in your company
Learn how to fly it costs few thousand usd
Social technologies
Challenge all assumptions - experiment with monkeys & cold shower
Daniel Kaneman book
Ask friends to challenge your mental models
Morning journaling helps to see flaws in your thinking
Victor Frankle man's search for meaning
Carve your own path in life
Be thrifty & resourceful
When starting a business ask yourself how deadly you want it? Is it an itch or burning itch for you?

Burn bridges behind yourself
What would my family say about me after my death?
Do activities with your children, be relevant in their lives...understand their contexts
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde's-Formula-for-Greatness-id1059468-id51930489

021 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio

autodidact what is it?

Backend deep elements of system that make it work, function

Front end user interface html css, form

Organic search

social media


Excess capacity of cars - uber

Excess capacity of space - air b&b


Students paying tuition by working in uber

Paper clip turning into house

Low barriers to entry

High level of competition

Unfair advantage over rivals


Goals strategies tactics tools

Goals should remain

Tactics & tools should change for optimal results