
Showing posts with label hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hacking. Show all posts

045 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Sam Kamkar
Michael Alsen
Denial of Service - dos
Kernel - brain of computer
Reverse engineering
Def con meeting of hackers
After finding frequency of device google how to listen to it
Conspiracy theory cap
Writing scripts
Study diseases & biology to be knowledgeable about technology
Romania hot bed of black hackers
True crypt software for encrypting data
Influence by R Cialdini must read


033 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Marc Goodman

war games movie
Morning & evening routine
Program is eating the world
More and more things are getting connected to internet
Moore’s law
There is no computer that cannot be hacked, all machines are hackable
DNA sequencing
Technological arms race
White, red, gray & black hat hackers
Social media
Synthetic biology & genetics
Paranoia & preparedness
Google search results work for you & against you
Iodine tablets to clean water
Use pseudonyms while using car services
Reputation defender
While traveling take empty, brand new device
Threat profile
Gathering information on target
When you are searching in google you are searching 0.2 stored in the planet
Searching digital underground
Tor browser developed by us navy
Tor hidden resources
Synthetic biology
Narco cartels are using drones and other technology for their business
AI is more dangerous than nukes
General AI skynet scenario
You can write scripts that carry out task for you
Practice cyber hygiene do not click on suspicious links
Update your device all the time
Be careful at using password managers,
One password, keypass, lastpass
In public place use vpn
Do not use your device with admin account, instead use guest account to minimize damage in case of infection
Use two step authentication
Conduct red teaming to test your assumptions
Romania is hotbed of hackers
Nigeria is hotbed of scammers
Cover up all cameras in your devices
You can find pass of cameras in their manuals
Look at his ted talks
Singularity university