
Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label productivity. Show all posts

006 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast

6 formulas for more output and less overwhelm 

1. Wake up at least 1 hour before you have to be in front of computer screen. 

2. Make a cup of tea and sit down with pen & paper. 

3. Write down 3-5 things that are making you anxious/uncomfortable, the stuff you delay all the time. Most important tasks= most uncomfortable tasks 

4. Ask yourself: 
a) If this is the only thing I accomplish, will I be satisfied with this day? 
b) Will this task ease or knock off other important tasks, is it force multiplier? 

5. Choose only those tasks that have positive response, no more than 3 tasks. 

6. Block out time and work on only ONE of these tasks. Eliminate distractions & focus on task at hand. 

7. If you get distracted or procrastinate, then calmly return to task at hand & finish it. 

If everything is important, then nothing is important. 
What you do is far more important than how you do it. 
Doing something well does not make it important.  
Being busy is a form of laziness & indiscriminate action. 
Do not underestimate yourself, overestimate the world.