
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts

013 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Dan Carlin

Hardcore history podcast

Pick a subject, do research

Claiming territory in new market

Find your unique voice during process

Always be yourself

Write as if you are writing to your friends

athlete who passed his prime

Build your product around what you do well

Do not trust to opinions of experts...everything is possible...this was the case with Dan's podcast monetization

Working with niche:
Do not be afraid to do what you are not qualified to do

011 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast

Neil Strauss

Neil’s writing process:
1st draft for yourself
2nd draft for the reader
3rd draft for the haters

Give your writing for proof reading, and present polished work to audience

People learn through metaphors

Not accepting norms will change the world

002 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss Show podcast, Josh Waitskin

Playing simultaneous chess games is like juggling balls

Constantly be learning

Cognitive biases: sunk cost fallacy, confirmation bias, false constructs

20/80 analysis

What rules people following that are not required that I can exploit?

Who is good at skill, who shouldn't be?

Questions you ask yourself and your internal dialogue defines your thinking

Meditation is a very powerful tool at self improvement, you start seeing yourself from side to meditate sit cross legged in comfortable position, follow and return to your breath

Journaling is another useful tool for self improvement

Cultivate habit of relaxing and working, turning on and turning off set and practice morning and evening routines

Dao de Jing

Collect & ask questions to yourself, they define your thinking

Ghandi Lao tzu

001 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss Show podcast

Kevin Rose

To make good investments, observe leaders, opinion makers and look for social trends

Be curious about everything

Be in good shape, do workouts

Annual letters of Warren Buffett

Barbell approach to investing - 20 % highly speculative investment & 80 % highly conservative & income guaranteed investment - do not gamble more than you can afford to lose

Phillip Rosedale

When one has no fear, he starts to think big Meditation practice

4hww is about maximizing productivity & per hour output

Food Inc documentary

Tell the truth, make fun of yourself before someone else will make fun of you laugh

Learn to catch a wave and use it to make profit

Practice gardening and farming as hobby when you start a business, focus on your product