
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

040 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Arnold Schwarznegger

Art of psychological war
10 years from now we'll look at this and laugh about it
If you have clear vision/goal, then the rest will be easier
How to develop confidence
In competition use opponents weaknesses
Real estate market in the world
European style was huge in USA, look for opportunities in market
Franco Colombo
Joe Weider
food supplements
Ralf Meller
Henry Kissinger
twins movie was most lucrative
If you want to be happy, help others...helping others will make you happy
Cincinnatus was offered power twice...he took it & returned it twice
Meditation and separating tasks helped him to overcome overwhelm from everything & feel calm

005 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Jason Silva

Brain games national geographic documentary

Epiphany addict - realizing something great, new discovery

shots of awe/search in youtube

Festival of dangerous ideas

Learn to get into flow state by Steven Kotler

Discover your talents and passions

Dopamine – how to manipulate it for our advantage

cognitive ecstasy wonder junkie

Set, setting & environment dictate your emotions

Do activities that take you into flow state

I worried about many hardships and most of them did not happen - Mark Twain

Enemy Dostoyevsky double

Memento movie

Matrix movie

Inception movie

Joseph Cambell’s Hero's journey book