
Showing posts with label storytelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label storytelling. Show all posts

015 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Ed Catmull

Ignorance is bliss, what you do not know cannot hurt you

It is better to be roughly correct, than precisely wrong

Artists learn to see, not draw

The great teaching company lectures, he listened to all of them

Joseph Campbell storytelling

war chest

Tudors and stuarts ttc history lecture

Wrath of the khans

Apathana meditation

Trans meditation

007 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast

Stephen Dubner

Freakonomics book coauthor

Storytelling is very important skill

1st come up with as many ideas as it is possible 
2nd kill all of them 
3rd take those ideas that did not die and use them

Thinking fast and slow book
Correlation vs. Causation 
Daniel refuted stories, experts may not understand your idea, thus do not rely on their expertise, question their & your own assumptions 

Test assumptions 
Uncover biases 
Become a better thinker
You are yourself in all circumstances 

People try to replicate other successful people by reading their biographies, that is common bias among many people

Freakonomics principles & rules 
Train to think in objective way 
Put away your moral compass at considering all kinds of issue or while thinking 
Be curious like a child

Writings is crystallizing your thoughts, clearing thinking
7up series documentary - sociology, decision making, nurture vs. nature 

Clothes you wear influences your thinking & behavior

Levels of the game McPhee book