
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

049 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Brian Johnson

Shackleton announcement
At starting business, the first target is not your entire market
braintree app
API - application programming interface
Derek Sivers letter to customers
Growth hacks
Pebble in shoe 
Own the problem in your company
Learn how to fly it costs few thousand usd
Social technologies
Challenge all assumptions - experiment with monkeys & cold shower
Daniel Kaneman book
Ask friends to challenge your mental models
Morning journaling helps to see flaws in your thinking
Victor Frankle man's search for meaning
Carve your own path in life
Be thrifty & resourceful
When starting a business ask yourself how deadly you want it? Is it an itch or burning itch for you?

Burn bridges behind yourself
What would my family say about me after my death?
Do activities with your children, be relevant in their lives...understand their contexts
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination - Oscar Wilde's-Formula-for-Greatness-id1059468-id51930489

026 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Alexis Ohanian

cofounder of reddit

ycombinator partner

You gain muscle in gym & lose fat in kitchen

The less time you have for meditation, the more you need it

Test your hypothesis as soon as possible in biz

Have right questions instead of right answers

Afraid of death, be grateful for being alive & do as much as you can

How do you say no & to what you say no?

Investing questions

Can I use this product?

Is the market large?

Good content is the best SEO

Human experience is essential for business

FOMO fear of missing out

Extenuating circumstances???

IPO initial public offering

024 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Ramit Sethi

I will teach you to be rich book

Psychology & business

Human behavior & social influence, persuasion

He did not make a cent for 3 years

Staying in game longer than others, persistence can give results

Learn to handle criticism

Writing guest posts

Guest post is very important

Single blog post may change your life

If you chunk out post into really specific topic then you will drive traffic into your blog

1st set up your email list
2nd send them email on regular basis

99 % of revenue come from email

Checklist manifesto book

Survey monkey


google calendar





Make reproducible system like in McDonalds

Learn circus tricks

Brian brushwood hacking the system

man on wire movie

catch me if you can movie

Jason born movie

023 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio part 3

Your hardship is your greatest gift

Spinal ebifitda was her hardship

She did not complain at all

Complaining does not solve problems

When you complain nobody wants to help you - steven hawkin

Refuse to have negative thoughts, brain is very plastic

022 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio part 2

pitching investors

Ability to tell your stories is an essential skill

Make your 1st pitch to investors from whom you do not want to get your finances

Mistake to measure size of target market

Be confident at your pitch

Click bait in internet

Start your story vision/problem description instead of chronological story

Pitching is persuading...learn to persuade

Use seth godin works, ted talks with more than 1-2 million views and yahoo news headlines to learn persuading

Chief Technological Officer, tech guy responsible for company

1st hired people make up DNA & culture of your company

Business incubators and accelerators have access to investors

021 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio

autodidact what is it?

Backend deep elements of system that make it work, function

Front end user interface html css, form

Organic search

social media


Excess capacity of cars - uber

Excess capacity of space - air b&b


Students paying tuition by working in uber

Paper clip turning into house

Low barriers to entry

High level of competition

Unfair advantage over rivals


Goals strategies tactics tools

Goals should remain

Tactics & tools should change for optimal results

012 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, James Altucher

Gratitude and abundance are the same things

You are average 5 people around you

Key to entrepreneurship & success is to reduce risks

Improve yourself 1% a week

Sleep at least 8 hours for good health, it is essential for rejuvenating brain & body

Be vaguely correct instead of being precisely wrong

Nasim Taleb

News is the worst form of junk food you inject yourself

Fiction writers are the best writers

While reading, new ideas come to his mind & he starts writing

Learn to say no, time is more valuable than money, saying no gives you time

Time is non-renewable resource

Money magnifies all your qualities

Every tomorrow is defined by what you do today

Middle class is slowly diminishing

Industry gatekeepers are going away: you can publish your book

Big corporations will not hire you anymore, you have to build your own business

Your writing should be entertaining and educational

In your writing show your vulnerability, your pain points and write how you resolved this problem, never give advice on what to do

4hww book's objective is to give people tools for maximizing their per hour output/productivity power of no book summary

In valley of failure we saw our seeds of success