
038 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Peter Diamandes

How to think big:
What can you do that can be remembered 2-3 hundred years from now? Shift magnitude of your thinking
We are local linear thinking creatures
Moore's law, computational capacity is increasing?
Synthetic biology
Cloud computing
Artificial intelligence
Singularity university
Hyper connected world
Super smart geek
Crowdsource your idea
Cooperate with people who have skills
Why can't you accomplish a 10 year goal in 6 months? How can you do it in 6 months?
Is there a great challenge/problem that you can work on?
What kind of needs do people have?
How do you disrupt yourself?
Lifespan of companies are getting shorter
Red teaming - attacking your own systems to find weakness & fix them
Find 20 something in your company & give them permission to find how to take down your company
Larry Page Elon Musk Jeff Bezos are willing to take 10 times bigger moon shots than others
Larry said are working on something that can change the world?
Amazon's success is due to weekly monthly yearly experimentations
When you do experiments you are going to fail & if you do not have thick skin then it will be hard for you
Are you trying crazy ideas?
When you set 10 times bigger goal come up with clean sheet of paper & new approach
It is not 100 hundred times harder but reward is hundred times bigger
People like Elon build amazing teams
You should have passion & goal
Jeff does not have cs/coding background
Whom do you rely on when you make mistakes? Who gives you advice?
If you listen to people then it is difficult to make revolutionary things, people take you back to mean
Whenever you find yourself on the side of majority that is wrong path to go - Mark Twain
Dick Fosbery jumper, question assumptions & make experiments
Always think about downside of your investment, minimize your risk
Crowdfunding is possible
How to hack kick starter
Peters morning routine
Review life purpose
Breathing exercises
Higher vo2max lengthens life longevity
Learn & change your operating system
Stone soup story super MBA lesson
Why do I believe this is important
Bold book by peter
You can do more there is access to resources & specialists

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