
048 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Chris Sacca

Start with something that is already great & make it better instead of starting with something that is shady
Do not hope for success, work so that it becomes matter of time
Listen more than you speak
Competitive landscape
Small companies move fast, big companies cannot change their strategy often
venture capitalists
Wall street guys are on stimulants all the time while it is reverse situation with VCs
Stabbing in face vc. cutting Achilles tendon
brad feld vc & blogger
not fading away book
how to get filthy rich in rising asia book
One should have at least 1 shitty job in life
Malthusian theory
Technology use in various aspects of life
Tensegrity what is that

047 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Astro & Daniel Teller

In writing it is hard to make money
Attacking problems
10 year plans
their ted talks
Marriage - it is impossible to say whether one will love another person forever
movie picks
lady in #6 documentary
There is always market for high quality
small giants book
Long form content
Write evergreen content to make audience fast
Ask 3 times why when you want big audience
1000 true fans
Least crowded channel is long form content
Identify subcultures you belong
Identify 5 sites they go to twitter, instagram, facebook pages, podcasts
You are defining yourself
Psychographics & demographics
Go after markets you belong to
No complaint experiment
Which of these if done makes it easier/irrelevant?
Momentum chrome extension
Maker/manager blocks of day
The most important thing is not to fool yourself, you are the easiest person to fool - Richard Feynman
Good/bad science m.g. goldtaker book

046 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Noah Kagan

Who book

Small giants book

Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman

Pleasure of finding things out Feynman interview

Essentialism book

Say no to most stuff, if it is not hell yea, then it’s no

Most limitations are self-imposed

Is Google really that great or am I so bad?

Speed up your track/mouse pad

my fitness pal

Set only one goal for this year...practice essentialism in business

Study time do the work & sent to Tim

If someone has not done homework to determine if something is a fit, I do not have time to explain why it is not a fit

045 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Sam Kamkar
Michael Alsen
Denial of Service - dos
Kernel - brain of computer
Reverse engineering
Def con meeting of hackers
After finding frequency of device google how to listen to it
Conspiracy theory cap
Writing scripts
Study diseases & biology to be knowledgeable about technology
Romania hot bed of black hackers
True crypt software for encrypting data
Influence by R Cialdini must read


044 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Glenn Beck

Learn to short circuit the system
Question with boldness even existence of God - Jeferson
Fix reason firmly in its seat, if there is God, he should bless reason
Unless you are a plumber, do not fix your own plumb. Focus on what you do best & let others do their own work

The act of killing
Waking up lecture by Sam Harris
Time poor, property rich
Do not spend best time of life on earning money to enjoy it in questionable end of your life
Write letter to your future self
Work to live instead of living to work
"someday" will kill your dreams

043 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, James Fadiman

micro dosing frequency
anti-addictive psychedelics
LSD, psilocybin, DMT, mushroom,
ibogaine, mescaline, ayahuasca, salvia divinorum,
Psychedelics influence your behavior
Ego is much bigger than you
Remember your relation to spiritual world
Seminar junkie – a guy who goes to many seminars but never does assignments to gain benefit
Micro dose of psychedelics help to solve problems by increasing focus & enhancing pattern recognition, overcome PTSD & stress
Psychedelics explorer guide book

042 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Mark Hart & Raul Pal

End Game article by Raul Pal
Art of learning book summary
Habits are vital for productivity
Frequent medical checkups indicate your health level
30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up
Breakfast to lose weight
It is difficult to change many things at once, decision fatigue will set in
For good sleep have unsweetened almond butter
To lower glycemic index of food take vinegar
Be effective instead of efficient
Lucid dreaming how to do it
whenever you find yourself on the side if majority, it is time to stop & reflect - Mark Twain
Life is journey not a destination

041 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Matt Mullenweg

Open source software
You can do whatever with software, you can modify it
Political science
Thucydides Peloponnesian war
devorac & callmac keyboard
Lots of companies fishing in the same small pond for talents
Pretty & interesting are words that make you lazy thinker
slack, skype, trello, p2
Momentum - chrome extension
Simplenote encrypted
7 minute workout app
calm & headspace
Intermittent fasting his blog
sam smith song
john sam who says song
kendrick lamar
jane dose band

040 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Arnold Schwarznegger

Art of psychological war
10 years from now we'll look at this and laugh about it
If you have clear vision/goal, then the rest will be easier
How to develop confidence
In competition use opponents weaknesses
Real estate market in the world
European style was huge in USA, look for opportunities in market
Franco Colombo
Joe Weider
food supplements
Ralf Meller
Henry Kissinger
twins movie was most lucrative
If you want to be happy, help others...helping others will make you happy
Cincinnatus was offered power twice...he took it & returned it twice
Meditation and separating tasks helped him to overcome overwhelm from everything & feel calm

039 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Pavel Tsatsulin part 2

To gain muscle you should convince body about huge abundance of food by eating in midnight
To get strength & muscle do 5 sets
3 highest yield kettlebell training exercises
One arm swing
The turkish get up
Goblet squat
Shake muscles during sets
Do 40 sets of maximal fast movements for 10 seconds 50 seconds rest
Jacobs relaxation program

038 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Peter Diamandes

How to think big:
What can you do that can be remembered 2-3 hundred years from now? Shift magnitude of your thinking
We are local linear thinking creatures
Moore's law, computational capacity is increasing?
Synthetic biology
Cloud computing
Artificial intelligence
Singularity university
Hyper connected world
Super smart geek
Crowdsource your idea
Cooperate with people who have skills
Why can't you accomplish a 10 year goal in 6 months? How can you do it in 6 months?
Is there a great challenge/problem that you can work on?
What kind of needs do people have?
How do you disrupt yourself?
Lifespan of companies are getting shorter
Red teaming - attacking your own systems to find weakness & fix them
Find 20 something in your company & give them permission to find how to take down your company
Larry Page Elon Musk Jeff Bezos are willing to take 10 times bigger moon shots than others
Larry said are working on something that can change the world?
Amazon's success is due to weekly monthly yearly experimentations
When you do experiments you are going to fail & if you do not have thick skin then it will be hard for you
Are you trying crazy ideas?
When you set 10 times bigger goal come up with clean sheet of paper & new approach
It is not 100 hundred times harder but reward is hundred times bigger
People like Elon build amazing teams
You should have passion & goal
Jeff does not have cs/coding background
Whom do you rely on when you make mistakes? Who gives you advice?
If you listen to people then it is difficult to make revolutionary things, people take you back to mean
Whenever you find yourself on the side of majority that is wrong path to go - Mark Twain
Dick Fosbery jumper, question assumptions & make experiments
Always think about downside of your investment, minimize your risk
Crowdfunding is possible
How to hack kick starter
Peters morning routine
Review life purpose
Breathing exercises
Higher vo2max lengthens life longevity
Learn & change your operating system
Stone soup story super MBA lesson
Why do I believe this is important
Bold book by peter
You can do more there is access to resources & specialists

037 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Pavel Tsatsulin

Take complex subjects apart into small blocks without losing essence of subject

Principles based training

Training of soldier & athlete are completely different

Strip all non-essentials down to have antifragile element

Train your nervous system to increase your physical capacity

Contract your grip, abs, glutes & everything you do

When in doubt train your grip & core

Barry ross protocol





Functional movement screen
do not go to failure, instead if you can do 10, then do 3-6 & increase number of sets

Deadlift & kettle-bell swing are the best exercises

Balance with priorities

Scrivener software

Training is like a budget, you make trade off your limited resources, eliminate non essentials & simplify

Magnificent seven movie

Be protective of your time to learn

036 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Ed Cook

If decision is reversible & nonfatal then make quick decision

Be selfish now to be selfless later
Be super competitive

Jessica richman

Gut can be thought as 2nd brain

Stool bank
Poop sample for future use
Banking sperm for future

You are what you eat & ate on past

Following rules is horrible...instead set constraints & guidelines

Shakleton story documentary

Edge anthony hopkins alex Baldwin movie must watch

Classified ad recruitment by shakleton

035 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Peter Attia

Fasting to produce ketones

No carbohydrates and little protein & fat produce ketones - energy source for brain


Resting metabolic rate

Protein carbohydrate fat

After 40
Cardiovascular disease
Cerebra-vascular disease -stroke
Neurodegenerative disease - Alzheimer, dementia

Any strategy directed to longevity & good health should be directed against these diseases

All these diseases are metabolic diseases

Caloric restriction delays onset of these metabolic diseases

Glute meat exercises

Surely you're joking mr feynman

To live long life:
Fix nutrition
Changing exercises
Fixing your sleep
Using right supplements
Modulating hormones
Fixing weaknesses with pharma
Managing stress

034 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, random show

Influence book by Robert cialdini

Too many cooks video on youtube

10 most popular questions

fox catcher movie

kickstarter selling video

4hww/sucess learn about muse cases

Play the long game, 1st establish human relations then ask for request

War of attrition

Choose exciting goals

Guided meditations by tara brakh

Repopulate microbiom

Tightly control your time to decrease burn rate

Luxury is living no rush life, it is not about posting expensive stuff

Magic of thinking big book summary

State of flow= effortless output

033 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Marc Goodman

war games movie
Morning & evening routine
Program is eating the world
More and more things are getting connected to internet
Moore’s law
There is no computer that cannot be hacked, all machines are hackable
DNA sequencing
Technological arms race
White, red, gray & black hat hackers
Social media
Synthetic biology & genetics
Paranoia & preparedness
Google search results work for you & against you
Iodine tablets to clean water
Use pseudonyms while using car services
Reputation defender
While traveling take empty, brand new device
Threat profile
Gathering information on target
When you are searching in google you are searching 0.2 stored in the planet
Searching digital underground
Tor browser developed by us navy
Tor hidden resources
Synthetic biology
Narco cartels are using drones and other technology for their business
AI is more dangerous than nukes
General AI skynet scenario
You can write scripts that carry out task for you
Practice cyber hygiene do not click on suspicious links
Update your device all the time
Be careful at using password managers,
One password, keypass, lastpass
In public place use vpn
Do not use your device with admin account, instead use guest account to minimize damage in case of infection
Use two step authentication
Conduct red teaming to test your assumptions
Romania is hotbed of hackers
Nigeria is hotbed of scammers
Cover up all cameras in your devices
You can find pass of cameras in their manuals
Look at his ted talks
Singularity university

032 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Brian Callen

Ask yourself personal questions

Long term approach is to be honest as much as possible


Test assumptions

Creative process

Writing is mindset

Fed up documentary

The enemy is sugar

Bad science book ben goldtaker

Hardcore history dan carlin

balance service to others

Surround yourself with people who make you grow

Focus work harder

There is great insecurity in security

Biggest risk is not taking risks

031 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Choice Minimal Lifestyle

Why more is less:

Paradox of choice
The more options you'll consider, the more buyer's regret you'll have
The more options you'll encounter the less fulfilling your outcome will be
Income is renewable, but attention is not renewable

The art of letting bad things happen, article by Tim
Attention defines value of time, time has no practical value without attention
Considering options costs attention that can't be spent on present state awareness, considering options pulls you out of present state
Attention is necessary not only for productivity but also for appreciation
Too many choices equals less or no appreciation and sense of overwhelm

Limiting options brings clarity to mind
Set rules for yourself so you can automate as many choices as you can
Do not think about decisions until you actually can make them
Do not postpone decisions just to avoid uncomfortable decisions
Make nonfatal/reversible decisions
Set time limits for decision making, limit number of options, set financial thresholds
You have limited decision making capability, Google decision fatigue article
Do not strive for variation/increased options, routine causes innovation, embrace routine

Read daily rituals book
Regret is past tense decision making
Follow 1 month no regret making challenge

Embrace minimal choice lifestyle

030 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Rolf Potts

If you want to travel, then do not put it may not have this opportunity later

It is a lot safer & cheaper than you think

Money is great metric for success but is not the only metric for success, it is a tool for you

Through success we lose perspective on good life

Redefine your relationship with success

Success - being able to do whatever you want, wherever you want

Billionaires can’t take a week off, only 1-2 days, what is the point of having those billions then?

Things in excess become their opposite

Often it is not money but mindset that is standing as barrier on your way

War is Gods way of teaching Americans a geography


air b&b


Think about being disconnected while traveling

Having vacation without internet/ distraction is useful for creativity

Slow long meals with friends is great present for yourself

Once a computer addict forever addict

philip lopate to show & to tell

save the cat maccies

Joseph Campbell hero's journey

Beginners mind

Early morning walking, getting lost, facing discomfort

Take as model appreciation people instead of achievement people

029 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Andrew Zimmern

chef chalets

knife skills

if you love cooking, buy 5 bags of carrots/other vegetables cut them, dice them while listening to radio/podcast, practice your knife skills by this way...within two weeks you will improve your knife skills a lot, this in turn will save a lot of time for you in future

meez en platz - everything is in its place

028 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Maria Popova

Guided Apasana meditation

Tara Brakh meditation

2010 smile meditation

Note taking method:

Highlight & write notes on sides

Reading is pattern recognition

Create index of ideas at the end of that book with page numbers

Literature is original internet with its source quotes/ can track down sources of ideas

Maria uses proof reader, your mind does not see its own typos

027 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tony Robbins

when he is stuck he uses radical change of environment (jumps into ice bath or runs) to make a better decision

changing thought patterns

our life is driven by our mental models

collector of quotes

search Jim Ron quotes

If your learning leads to knowledge, then you are fool

If your learning leads to action, then you are smart

1st find fulfillment in your activities & goals, then make effort to reach your goals

Our brain is a 2 million years old software that is designed to help you survive, not be happy

Suffering comes from expectations, loss, less & never

Trade your expectations to appreciations & your life will change

you tell your own stories to yourself through your expectations

Expectations make us suffer

Appreciations make us fulfilled

Life is too short to suffer

our survival mechanism brain is always looking for something that is wrong
make decisions fast

when you start suffering change your expectations to appreciations

tony robbins doc movie

026 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Alexis Ohanian

cofounder of reddit

ycombinator partner

You gain muscle in gym & lose fat in kitchen

The less time you have for meditation, the more you need it

Test your hypothesis as soon as possible in biz

Have right questions instead of right answers

Afraid of death, be grateful for being alive & do as much as you can

How do you say no & to what you say no?

Investing questions

Can I use this product?

Is the market large?

Good content is the best SEO

Human experience is essential for business

FOMO fear of missing out

Extenuating circumstances???

IPO initial public offering

025 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis

 It is not lack of resources but ambition that block us from reaching big goals

If you want to be remembered 2-3 decades later in history, what would you do?

024 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Ramit Sethi

I will teach you to be rich book

Psychology & business

Human behavior & social influence, persuasion

He did not make a cent for 3 years

Staying in game longer than others, persistence can give results

Learn to handle criticism

Writing guest posts

Guest post is very important

Single blog post may change your life

If you chunk out post into really specific topic then you will drive traffic into your blog

1st set up your email list
2nd send them email on regular basis

99 % of revenue come from email

Checklist manifesto book

Survey monkey


google calendar





Make reproducible system like in McDonalds

Learn circus tricks

Brian brushwood hacking the system

man on wire movie

catch me if you can movie

Jason born movie

023 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio part 3

Your hardship is your greatest gift

Spinal ebifitda was her hardship

She did not complain at all

Complaining does not solve problems

When you complain nobody wants to help you - steven hawkin

Refuse to have negative thoughts, brain is very plastic

022 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio part 2

pitching investors

Ability to tell your stories is an essential skill

Make your 1st pitch to investors from whom you do not want to get your finances

Mistake to measure size of target market

Be confident at your pitch

Click bait in internet

Start your story vision/problem description instead of chronological story

Pitching is persuading...learn to persuade

Use seth godin works, ted talks with more than 1-2 million views and yahoo news headlines to learn persuading

Chief Technological Officer, tech guy responsible for company

1st hired people make up DNA & culture of your company

Business incubators and accelerators have access to investors

021 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Tracy Dinunzio

autodidact what is it?

Backend deep elements of system that make it work, function

Front end user interface html css, form

Organic search

social media


Excess capacity of cars - uber

Excess capacity of space - air b&b


Students paying tuition by working in uber

Paper clip turning into house

Low barriers to entry

High level of competition

Unfair advantage over rivals


Goals strategies tactics tools

Goals should remain

Tactics & tools should change for optimal results

020 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Peter Thiel

Freedom lies in being bold - Robert Frost

Zero to one book

Palantir data mining company

Question your assumptions

Capitalism & competition are antonyms

There is no need to wait to start business, you can start doing it without any credentials

Be relentless at your efforts

Trend attracts lots of people which causes competition & no differentiation, you do not want to be the next soc. network company

Avoid trends, instead work on unique mission/problem

Investors spray & pray - portfolio management, betting on companies as lotteries

Think for yourself, break through convention

Universities are like studio 54, exclusive clubs

Institutions are charging more and more but giving less and less

How to become smart - I try to talk to smart people every day

You are average of 5 people

019 cliff notes from Tim Ferriss show podcast, Kevin Kelly part3

quantified self

AI & social media will have network effects

two year travel should be compulsory

they are collecting all kinds of long term forecasts about future

no multitasking, sit sit, walk walk, don't whable

read bible, quran & sufi rumi writer similar to seneca, zen parables

to find your passion you have to try many things

you create yourself instead of discovering yourself

there are no VR & AI experts

AI will take away repetitive tasks, activities that require asking questions, creativity & experiences will be in more demand

GMO genetically modified organisms

Cyber war is happening now

zero days documentary about stuxnet virus